Theme-a-licious Feburary Round Up

Having optimistically declared in my last Theme-a-licious post that I could get the front of the 'Fruits of the Vine'  needle roll finished of course life got busy and I've been too tired to stitch much.  

Here's where I've got up to:

Fruits of the Vine by With My Needle copyright 2010
stitched using the kit materials

The theme for March is 'March Madness' my take on this is I am going to try and work on all the wips that I have listed in the side bar for at least one session each during the month.

Thank you all for the lovely comments on the Pembroke vest.  I'm way behind on my blog reading at the moment so I'm not leaving as many comments as I would like, there are just too many great blogs out there.


woolwoman said…
maybe you didn't meet your goal Karoline but it's beautiful stitching and great forward progress all the same - Good luck with march madness - Mel
Giovanna said…
Very pretty project!
Unknown said…
I think your project is lovely and progress is progress no matter how big or small, life has a way at times of getting in the way of our plans.
Margaret said…
It's so pretty! You did a lot even if you didn't meet your goal!
Deb said…
Really sweet finish Karoline! And I missed your post with you knitting, but that is wonderful too. I used to make things for my son when he was small - I wish he still was!!
Melissa said…
Very nice piece!

Just saw your little guy in the last post - my how he's grown! What a cutie!
Jackie's Stitches said…
You've made great progress! The March challenge is a big one for me. I'll be fortunate if I can switch off between 2 or 3 projects. I'm going to try though!
Veronica said…
You've made progress and that's all that matters. Beautiful stitching.

Ann at Beadlework. said…
Life has a way of doing that Karoline, if only we could craft all day :-)
Sue said…
It is looking lovely. Progress is progress, fast or slow. I'll be telling myself just that during March Madness. lol
Jo said…
Looking fabulous. Does it matter that it's taking a little longer to finish than you thought?
Sheila said…
At least you are making progress, even if it is slow :)
Julie said…
I agree with pp, progress is progress. What you did is lovely work.
geeky Heather said…
It looks like you're very close to finishing it, though! Have fun working your way through your WIPs! =)
Penny said…
A beautiful piece! I love the variety of stitches.
Siobhán said…
Lovely stitching, Karoline!
TeresaB said…
Your needleroll is looking fantastic! I can't wait to see if finished. I have a feeling that won't be too much longer.

I like your take on March Madness. I'm mainly working on WIPs as well, at least I keep telling myself that's what I'm doing! Looking forward to your progress in March!
Aussie Stitcher said…
You may not have reached your goal, but good on you for giving it a go. It is looking gorgeous.

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