Some Works In Progress

I thought I'd post where I was up to with some of my wip's as none of these have been worked on since Christopher was born.

First is Sunflower Bellpull by The Drawn Thread, I started this one after I finished 4 Wishes.

Sunflower Bellpull - The Drawn Thread

Then Above the Clouds by Teresa Wentzler, progress on this really stalled during my third trimester as I was too tired at night to be able to cope with following the chart so it would only get worked on when I had some rare toddler free time during the day.

Above the clouds - Teresa Wentzler

Finally here is Juda Hale in Miniature by The Sampler House.

Juda Hale In Miniture - The Sampler House


Marjo said…
Love all your progress. Congratulations on the new addition as well. Such a cutie, actually both your kids are so cute. Best luck for time to stitch.
Margaret said…
All your WIPs are gorgeous! My favorite has to be the Juda Hayle one though. Wonderful!
natalysneedle said…
Beautiful progress!
Tracy J said…
Lovely works!
Katrina said…
Everything is so pretty!!! And funny, the colors are all very similar but the designs are so different.

Hopefully things will settle down in the next little while so you can get a tiny bit of stitching time ;-).
Deb said…
I'm so behind on reading blogs, but a huge congratulations on your new arrival. So sweet, and your daughter is an angel too!

Your WIPs look wonderful. You're making great progress.
Great progress pictures - I especially like the Drawn Thread one.
Sherry :o) said…
Progress is beautiful. And before you know it, there will be lots of time to stitch - seems like just a few months/years mine was a newborn - he'll be 17 this weekend. Yikes! I have a Juda Hayle I need to pull out - thanks for the reminder!
Lois said…
What nice WIP's! I especially like the DT sunflower one.
Solstitches said…
You have some gorgeous projects in the works Karoline!
Congrats. on the new baby. I can imagine stitching time is limited these days :)

I love your projects - the colors are gorgeous!!
Nancy said…
Beautiful projects and gorgeous stitching!
woolwoman said…
These are all so different - no chance to get bored on these lovely pieces. I love that DT piece - it seems so appropriate to do sunflower stitching in summer.
Enjoy! Melody
Dani - tkdchick said…
Wow they're all spectacular! I LOVE sunflowers and TW!!!
TeresaB said…
You're making great progress. Doubt I'd get half as much done with 2 little ones. Speaking of which I have been remiss in congratulating you on your new little lad. He is adorable and born in a great month. (If only he'd been 2 days later he'd have been almost perfect.LOL! Couldn't resist.)
Giovanna said…
Beautiful stitching on all of them!
Anonymous said…
Всем привет!

Недавно перед мной встала задача, куда деть накопишиеся [b]европоддоны[/b], или еще их называют [b]Паллеты[/b],
[b]Поддоны[/b], [b]Европаллет[/b]ы Размеры 800*1200, 1000*1200- Это [u]Тара Пром назначения[/u].
Немного предистории.
Сам я работаю кладовщиком на складе. Нам приходит много продукции на [b]Европоддонах[/b],
товар продаем а поддоны остаются, у нас встал вопрос куда их девать.
Раньше мы их сжигали.
Потом я узнал, что за поддоны можно получить деньги.
Начал обзванивать фирмы везде были цены маленькие,
потом знакомые мне подсказали, что в Челябинске есть такая Контора "[b]Уралсклад[/b]",
около 10 лет на Рынке Промышленной Тары с хорошей репутацией.
Я нашел их сайт в интернет - [url=][/url] и позвонил по тел. +7(351) 233-07-14.
Буквально через час подъехал их представитель, Авто с Логотипом "[url=]Поддоны Челябинск[/url]".
Цены закупочные оказались самые высокие в г. Челябинске.
Все цивилизовано грузчики загрузили [b]Паллеты[/b] ешё и лом поддонов купили, расчитались на месте наличными.
Про другие фирмы я узнавал либо Цены низкие, либо Бракуют много, да и денег от них не дождешься.

Так что если у вас завалялись [b]европоддоны[/b], не торопитесь их выбрасывать, лучше обменяйте их на деньги.
josh healy said…
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Siobhán said…
All your WIPs are lovely, Karoline!
Raven/Missy said…
Your WIPs look fantastic! I love the variety of designs you have chosen to stitch. You are doing a great job.

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