Saturday Morning


Dave took Rosie over to see his mother this morning so I had the luxury of the house to myself. I didn't take long to decide what I was going to do with myself, it was up to my sewing room with my coffee to work on the pre-stitching for the Red Rabbit Needlecase class, browse some blogs and listen to a few podcasts. Bliss!

Of course I wasn't totally on my own, Tansy came up to chill out with me.



Margaret said…
Enjoy that time to yourself! I remember what it was like with a little one. It was a joy, but those self times were times to treasure too. :D That class looks like it's going to be wonderful!!
Katrina said…
Life after children :-). Hope Rosie and your DH have a nice day at his mum's and you get lots of stitching done!
Melissa said…
What lovely moments those are! Enjoy! And Tansy probably thinks "Oh, I get her all to myself!"
Vonna Pfeiffer said…
That is a lovely way to spend the morning hanging with your sweet friend Tansy and enjoying the internet :)
Siobhán said…
Enjoy the time to yourself! I remember how precious that was when my guys were younger. Okay, it's still precious because now they're loud teenagers. ;) Hope you get lots of stitching done!
Jane said…
You're never totally alone with a cat in the house. Enjoy your little 'me time'
Oh what fun! And I love that project!!
CJ in OK ;-) said…
The perfect Saturday morning, enjoy. CJ ok;-)
Scully said…
Sounds a bit similar to my morning Karoline! I also have those mugs..don't they just hold a great sized brew?! lol
Barbara said…
What joy to have time to yourself. Always fun to have a kitty come join you though! Bx
We all need a bit a me time sometimes and who better to share it with than a feline friend.
Anonymous said…
How idyllic! What a lovely project - I'll be going there in Nov. for one of the CA Wells classes :-)
woolwoman said…
WHOOOO - that red rabbit needlecase is awesome! How sweet for Tansy to hang out with you. Hope you had a fun day and thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. Melody
Michelle said…
That Red Rabbit needlecase is so cute! It looks like a lovely day! I'd love to have some days like that...just me and my stitching, a cast and a podcast! Which podcasts do you listen to?

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