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Another catch up post :) Here's my progress on Wayward Garden and Dragon Ride from last week.

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I had hoped to finish the top of the border this week but unfortunately I had a run in with the frogs on it so I had to pull out most of what I stitched. I’m blaming another member of my Monday night stitching group, she made the comment that as we’d been quite quiet none of us would be ripping out this week. Of course as soon as the fatal words left her mouth we all started to find errors!

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I'm starting to see the end of the cross stitch on Dragon Ride :) Of course we won't mention the miles of backstitch...


Chelle said…
Both projects are incredible!
BeckySC said…
WOW!! Dragon Ride is so very colorful.
WG is looking just beautiful :)
Sue said…
Wow, both of your pieces are just stunning. Wayward Garden is amazing ;)
Great progress on both piece. I love wayward garden.
Sharon said…
Great progress! Both are just stunning projects.
GREAT pictures!! :)
Carol said…
Ooo, lovely updates :-)
Katrina said…
Hi Karoline, you've done some great stitching and some wonderful finishing lately :)
Aussie Stitcher said…
They are both looking lovely.
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous progress on both!
Margie said…
Your projects are beautiful! I love the dragon piece - I can't wait to see it with the BS.
lena-lou said…
Both of these are coming along beautifully!!

A little bird tells me we will meet in November ;-) Cool!!

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