A fairly productive weekend

Thank you to everyone who has left comments recently, I really appreciate it. The photo's from our holiday were taken by my DH, photography is his expensive hobby so he was really chuffed with the comments on them. There will be more about my holiday eventually but the motherboard in DH's PC has died so I can't access the photo's at the moment. Hopefully it'll be up and running soon.

Anyway we had a very quiet weekend so I was able to sit down and get plenty of stitching and finishing done. I made good progress on my gift piece during the week so this weekend I was able to get on and finish the stitching on my redwork exchange which is the last of the exchanges I signed up for. So I managed to get some stitching in on a piece for myself! It's still deadline stitching - pre-stitching for a class I'm going to in London in September with Lauren Sauer of Forget-me-knots in Stitches. The class is Take a Lovely Sampler, I've started with the needlebook as recommended by Lauren. Here is my progress so far:

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It sounds like your DH and my DH should get together - DH has just discovered photography, and boy, is it expensive! Thank goodness he works part-time at a camera store, and can get some good deals directly from Nikon for his equipment.
Terri said…
It's always wonderful when DH's have expensive hobbies. Keeps them from being able to complain about how much we spend on ours! LOL I'm not familiar with the designer for your class piece, but I like what I see so far :)
Dani - tkdchick said…
That class piece looks like its going to be so beautiful!
Can't wait to see more of this project! Enjoy the upcoming class!!
Lana said…
I like this project! i'm looking forward to more progress piccies!
BeckySC said…
It looks great so far, Karoline! You always do such lovely work!
Don't you just love the colors in this? I took the class at Celebration in New Hampshire in May. But we didn't have the benefit of pre-stitching - you're so lucky!

Lauren is a fantastic teacher, she is one of my favorites.

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