In my Garden

A bunch of photo's today :) As the sun came out this weekend I was able to spend time in the garden. I got my tomato's and cucumbers potted up and sowed some salad leaves. I also got the camera out and took some pictures of my flowers.

First up is the honeysuckle, this is smelling absolutely gorgeous at the moment and so strong that when we had the windows open on Saturday night we kept getting wafts of it through the window.

My tree peony has been covered in blooms for the last couple of weeks as has the common or garden peony

And this weekend with the sun the poppies have come out

DH really likes this photo of them even though it was a complete mistake on my part LOL

Of course I wasn't the only one enjoying the garden!

And I did manage to fit a little finishing in :) here is the latest Essies Friends piece by Drawn Thread.


Belinda said…
Beautiful! I look forward to seeing your garden in person soon!
Kitty Couture said…
Oh, those are such lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Love your Essy's friends finish too!
Oh, I want to hang out in your garden! What gorgeous photos. And your latest Essy's Friends finish is great!!
Von said…
Stitching and gardening all in one picture - pure bliss!!
Katrina said…
thank you for sharing your lovely photos, cheers me up no end as its now winter here and all thats in my garden are leaves all over the place :)

I was sorry to hear that you missed out on the job too. It sounds like we both work in a similiar field so I know all about the funding issues. at the moment I'm waiting on the outcome for our next service contract which is due to expire later in the month so fingers crossed!
Katrina said…
whoops, I also meant to add that the Essy piece is lovely too :)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photographs of your flowers! And a gorgeous finish as well.
natty68 said…
Your honeysuckle is about a week or so ahead of mine, its just started to bud :) What lovely flowers on yours, dont you just love the smell of honeysuckle at night..

The poppies are gorgous too, as are the other flowers :)

Your stitching is looking good too :)

Anonymous said…
Beautiful garden photos, Karoline! I am jealous of your gorgeous flowers. :)
Karen said…
Beautiful flowers!! I like your WIPs, too.

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