Knitting and Stitching Show
Yesterday I headed down to London for the day to go and meet up with some fellow stitchers at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace. I got to Wood Green tube station at about quarter to twelve just in time to run into Della and her mother at the bus stop (Della just about remembering who I was, leastways she didn’t think I was Amanda this time!) I left them outside the show as Della’s mother wanted a smoke before going in. First up on going in as I had an hour before we were due to meet was a quick reccy round as many of the stalls as I could (as it turned out virtually all of them) to get a feel for what was there, over the years I’ve got quite organised and mark the stalls I want to take a closer look at on my show guide. It was a bit of a rush to get round before it was time to meet up with the other Bbers, Amanda & children, Fiona, Kristina & DD, Debbie & DH and Angela. We managed to find a patch of floor just outside the great hall and settled in for a good gab and a show and tell session.
After around an hour the floor was getting hard so we dispersed. As Angela and I were both there on our own we spent the afternoon wandering round the stalls shopping, enabling each other and gabbing of course! When they finally threw us out of the show we ran back into Della and her mother in the same place that I left them in the morning LOL! Though they had gained plenty of bags to prove that they had actually made it into the show. Then it was back to Kings Cross and the train back north.
I'm Claudia and I am an Italian stitcher: I know that you've stitched the wonderful Hillside Samplings "My Stitching Chair Necessaire". I would like to know where you've found it, because it's a Group Project and nobody seems to sell it! Could you give me some hint?
If yes, please contact me at
Thanks so much and congrats for your blog!!!